Navigating the Roadmap
We must treat every communication – such as a one-on-one conversation/s, a team meeting, a group presentation – like a new destination, and therefore, we need to map a course to where we want to go based on what we want to achieve. That map is the ‘Information to Influence Roadmap.
Building trust and influence is much more than imparting or sharing information; it’s about connecting and engaging with people. The ‘Information to Influence Roadmap’ helps you think of a strategy to be more effective in your communication.
Each of the four quadrants in the visual represents the types of communication experiences that we can create, not the type of communicator we are. Different types of communications can allow for any of the quadrant approaches, yet our goal should be to shift our messaging and behaviors to go higher up in Connection and to the Audience-Centered right. As we utilize audience-centered content along with making a high connection with our audiences, we will be more effective and influential as a communicator.
Horizontal Axis - CONTENT
The horizontal axis represents the Content focus we deliver. The left side of the axis is reserved for information sharing or entertaining. The Self-Centered content is focused on the speaker’s agenda, the speaker’s ideas, and the speaker’s objectives; versus the right side of the axis, which is action-oriented via a directive or influence communication approach. As a leader, the more you are able to focus your content to be audience-centered vs. self-centered, the more you will be able to tap into the needs, wants and ideas of your audiences vs. your own. You can create a communication experience where those on your team are influenced and motivated to follow your lead and take action. This axis is where you think about what is in the content of your message.
Vertical Axis - CONNECTION
Whether audiences trust us and want to follow us depends on the level of connection they make with us. When there is a low connection, people can be disengaged or disinterested in what we have to say; versus the higher we are on the vertical axis, the more likeable, credible and trusted we are perceived by our audiences, driving up their interest and engagement in what we have to say. This axis is where you think about how to deliver your message.
Effective communication that influences audiences to change and take action has to be comprised of both audience-centered content and a high level of connection.
Lower Left Quadrant: INFORM
Comprised of self-centered content and low connection. Manifests itself as lectures, data dumps or status updates. Provides information through one-way communication that does not usually instill a motivation to change or influence others to take action.
Upper Left Quadrant: ENTERTAIN
Comprised of self-centered content and high connection. Manifests itself as being fun and interesting for the moment but provides no longer-term level of engagement. Provides entertainment through one-way communication that does not usually instill a motivation to change or influence others to take action.
Lower Right Quadrant: DIRECT
Comprised of audience-centered content and low connection. Manifests itself as being focused solely on getting the job done through authority vs. connection. Provides direction through one-way communication that can instill change and action, but from compliance not influence.
Upper Right Quadrant: INFLUENCE
Comprised of audience-centered content and high connection. Manifests itself as a collaborative conversation. Provides influence through two-way communication that instills a motivation to change and take action. Keep in mind when influencing your audience on a message, you need them more than they need you. Build your message with your audience in mind – and communicate more from a stance of empathy than arrogance. This quadrant is where you can motivate, change minds and win support from your team. This is the communication destination you should aim for more often.